– a Norwegian National Research Infrastructure for Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism


IGGL Researchers and Staff

Trond H. Torsvik

Professor, Project Leader

room: ZEB 1.223
e-mail: t.h.torsvik (at) geo.uio.no
phone: +47 2285 6416

Pavel V. Doubrovine

Researcher, Lab Manager

room: ZEB 1.225
e-mail: paveld (at) geo.uio.no
phone: +47 2285 6922

Mathew Domeier

Post-doctoral Researcher

room: ZEB 1.226
em ail: mathew.domeier (at) geo.uio.no
phone: +47 2285 6416

Evgeniy Kulakov

Post-doctoral Researcher

room: ZEB 1.209
e-mail: evgeniy.kulakov (at) geo.uio.no
phone: +47 2285 5011

Petter Sikoset


room: ZEB 1.205
e-mail: petter.silkoset (at) geo.uio.no
phone: +47 2285 4097



Advisory Committee

Dr. Morgan Ganerød (Geological Survey of Norway)

Prof. Suzanne McEnroe (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Prof. Joseph Meert (University of Florida, USA)

Prof. Trond H. Torsvik (University of Oslo)

Prof. Harald Walderhaug (University of Bergen)

The IGGL is made possible by funding from the Research Council of

Norway (NFR), the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED)

and the University of Oslo (UiO)


© 2016 Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics